+27 11 791-6477 trade@devarconsulting.co.za

Devar Consulting



“Devar Consulting offers me an opportunity to relax knowing that someone is tracking the foreign currency movements for me. In today’s environment we do not have the time to keep track of forex movements throughout the day. We are just too busy! It’s reassuring to know that should there be any unforeseen movements we are informed immediately, allowing us time to react.”

Douglas Jung 
MD Jonway Motorcycle

“Devar Consulting has added great value to our business over the years and has allowed us to grow and focus on our business, knowing that our treasury and forex needs are well looked after by an efficient and knowledgable team.”


Gary Tooch
MD Gammatek

“It is exceptionally important that at AMT we continue to supply our customers at competitive prices. However, in order to be able to do this it is essential that we forward cover our imports due to the unstable exchange rate.”

“Devar Consulting provides and monitors this service for us to our advantage, ensuring that we always get the best deal and making sure that our company is not faced with any nasty surprises, thus, AMT is assured of partial stability and peace of mind.”

Alida vd Merwe 
FD AMT Composites

“As a client of Devar Consulting we understand that managing risk is our responsibility however, with their knowledge and expertise we have formed a strong relationship to effectively manage our risk.”

“Devar Consulting provide us with up to date information to enable us to make informed decisions and are backed by a superb service. They are highly recommended.”

Gary Rowland 
MD Zebbies Lighting

“Over the last couple of years Devar Consulting has provided a financially beneficial service to our companies through sound advice, suggestions, proposals and trades on all of our forex transactions.”

“They have taken away the headache of dealing with the cumbersome bank structures and created more time and peace of mind for us to focus on our core business. The people at Devar Consulting go the extra mile for the small guy. “

Tony de Gouveia 

 Matech CC

“Dealing in forex is incredibly tricky, not only because of volatility but because of the way that banks hide costs and margins wherever they can, which can be very difficult to expose. Devar Consulting has helped us to understand our risk profile, plan a strategy and execute it at the lowest cost and ensure that the banks don’t take advantage.”

“They have helped us choose the best instruments to limit our exposure and are always available to help. Working with Devar Consulting has taken the frustration out of forex and consistently saved us money over the past few years. They provide us with a very valuable service.”

Rosh Segal 
Director CQS Technology Holdings (Pty) Ltd


Trusted by Top Banks